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David Cronenberg's signature obsessions flower in Eastern Promises, a stunning look at violence, responsibility, and skin. Near Christmastime in London, a baby is born to a teenage junkie--an event that leads a midwife (Naomi Watts) into the world of the Russian mob. Central to this world is an ambitious enfor! cer (Viggo Mortensen) who's lately buddied up with the reckless son (Vincent Cassel) of a mob boss (Armin Mueller-Stahl, doing his benign-sinister thing). Screenwriter Steve Knight also wrote Dirty Pretty Things, and in some ways this is a companion piece to that film, though utterly different in style. The plot is classical to the point of being familiar, but Cronenberg doesn't allow anything to become sentimental; he and his peerless cinematographer Peter Suschitzky take a cool, controlled approach to this story. Because of that, when the movie erupts in its (relatively brief) violence, it's genuinely shocking. Cronenberg really puts the viewer through it, as though to shame the easy purveyors of pulp violence--nobody will cheer when the blood runs in this film. Still, Eastern Promises has a furtive humor, nicely conveyed in Viggo Mortensen's highly original performance. Covered in tattoos, his body a scroll depicting his personal history of violence, Morten! sen conveys a subtle blend of resolve and lost-ness. He's a tr! ue, haun ting mystery man. --Robert Horton
Stills from Eastern Promises (click for larger image). Photos by Peter Mountain.
Vincent Cassel (left) and Viggo Mortensen (right) star in David Cronenberg's EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release.
| Armin Mueller-Stahl (center) stars in David Cronenberg's EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. | Viggo Mortensen (left) and Naomi Watts (right) star in David Cronenbergâs EASTERN PROMISES, ! a Focus Features release. |
Viggo Mortensen (left) and Naomi Watts (right) star in David Cronenbergâs EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. | Naomi Watts stars in David Cronenberg's new thriller EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. | Armin Mueller-Stahl (left) and Naomi Watt (right) star in David Cronenberg's EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. |
Mina E. Mina (left), Vincent Cassel (cen! ter) and Viggo Mortensen (right) star in David Cronenberg's EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. | Vincent Cassel stars in David Cronenbergâs EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. | Viggo Mortensen stars in David Cronenbergâs EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. |
Stills from Eastern Promises (click for larger image). Photos by Peter Mountain.
Vincent Cassel (left) and Viggo Mortensen (right) star in David Cronenberg's EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release.
| ![]() Armin Mueller-Stahl (center) stars in David Cronenberg's EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. | Viggo Mortensen (left) and Naomi Watts (right) star in David Cronenbergâs EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. |
Viggo Mortensen (left) and Naomi Watts (right) star in David Cronenbergâs EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. | Naomi Watts stars in David Cronenberg's new thriller EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. | ! Armin Mueller-Stahl (left) and Naomi Watt (right) star in David Cronenberg's EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. |
Mina E. Mina (left), Vincent Cassel (center) and Viggo Mortensen (right) star in David Cronenberg's EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. | Vincent Cassel stars in David Cronenbergâs EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. | Viggo Mortensen stars in David Cronenbergâs EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. |
David Cronenberg's signature obsessions flower in Eastern Promises, a stunning look at violence, responsibility, and skin. Near Christmastime in London, a baby is born to a teenage junkie--an event that leads a midwife (Naomi Watts) into the world of the Russian mob. Central to this world is an ambitious enforcer (Viggo Mortensen) who's lately buddied up with the reckless son (Vincent Cassel) of a mob boss (Armin Mueller-Stah! l, doing his benign-sinister thing). Screenwriter Steve Knight! also wr ote Dirty Pretty Things, and in some ways this is a companion piece to that film, though utterly different in style. The plot is classical to the point of being familiar, but Cronenberg doesn't allow anything to become sentimental; he and his peerless cinematographer Peter Suschitzky take a cool, controlled approach to this story. Because of that, when the movie erupts in its (relatively brief) violence, it's genuinely shocking. Cronenberg really puts the viewer through it, as though to shame the easy purveyors of pulp violence--nobody will cheer when the blood runs in this film. Still, Eastern Promises has a furtive humor, nicely conveyed in Viggo Mortensen's highly original performance. Covered in tattoos, his body a scroll depicting his personal history of violence, Mortensen conveys a subtle blend of resolve and lost-ness. He's a true, haunting mystery man. --Robert Horton
Stills from Eastern Promises (click for la! rger image). Photos by Peter Mountain.
Vincent Cassel (left) and Viggo Mortensen (right) star in David Cronenberg's EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release.
| Armin Mueller-Stahl (center) stars in David Cronenberg's EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. | Viggo Mortensen (left) and Naomi Watts (right) star in David Cronenbergâs EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. |
| Naomi Watts stars in David Cronenberg's new thriller EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. | Armin Mueller-Stahl (left) and Naomi Watt (right) star in David Cronenberg's EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. |
Mina E. Mina (left), Vincent Cassel (center) and Viggo Mortensen (right) star in David Cronenberg's EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. | Vincent Cassel stars in David Cronenbergâs EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. | Viggo Mortensen stars in David Cronenbergâs EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. |
David Cronenberg's signature obsessions flower in Easter! n Promis es, a stunning look at violence, responsibility, and skin. Near Christmastime in London, a baby is born to a teenage junkie--an event that leads a midwife (Naomi Watts) into the world of the Russian mob. Central to this world is an ambitious enforcer (Viggo Mortensen) who's lately buddied up with the reckless son (Vincent Cassel) of a mob boss (Armin Mueller-Stahl, doing his benign-sinister thing). Screenwriter Steve Knight also wrote Dirty Pretty Things, and in some ways this is a companion piece to that film, though utterly different in style. The plot is classical to the point of being familiar, but Cronenberg doesn't allow anything to become sentimental; he and his peerless cinematographer Peter Suschitzky take a cool, controlled approach to this story. Because of that, when the movie erupts in its (relatively brief) violence, it's genuinely shocking. Cronenberg really puts the viewer through it, as though to shame the easy purveyors of pulp violence--nobody w! ill cheer when the blood runs in this film. Still, Eastern Promises has a furtive humor, nicely conveyed in Viggo Mortensen's highly original performance. Covered in tattoos, his body a scroll depicting his personal history of violence, Mortensen conveys a subtle blend of resolve and lost-ness. He's a true, haunting mystery man. --Robert Horton
Stills from Eastern Promises (click for larger image). Photos by Peter Mountain.
Vincent Cassel (left) and Viggo Mortensen (right) star in David Cronenberg's EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release.
| Armin Muelle! r-Stahl (center) stars in David Cronenberg's EASTERN PROMIS! ES, a Focus Features release. | Viggo Mortensen (left) and Naomi Watts (right) star in David Cronenbergâs EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. |
Viggo Mortensen (left) and Naomi Watts (right) star in David Cronenbergâs EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. | Naomi Watts stars in David Cronenberg's new thriller EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. | Armin Mueller-Stahl (left) and Naomi Watt (right) star in David Cronenber! g's EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. |
Mina E. Mina (left), Vincent Cassel (center) and Viggo Mortensen (right) star in David Cronenberg's EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. | Vincent Cassel stars in David Cronenbergâs EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. | Viggo Mortensen stars in David Cronenbergâs EASTERN PROMISES, a Focus Features release. |
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